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Turkey: The Ultimate Comfort Food

These days, consumers are visiting restaurants for more than just basic dining. A whopping 72% of consumers are looking for comfort food when eating out, emphasizing a shift in eating habits toward nostalgic, soothing dishes.1 With comfort foods at the forefront of consumers' minds and palettes, crafting comforting dishes that stand out can be a challenge, but swapping out a traditional protein like pork or beef for something leaner and flavorful like turkey can help satisfy customers’ cravings without forgoing any trending flavors. 

Low Cost, High Reward

Compared to beef, turkey is a lean protein that is lower in fat, packed with protein and full of flavor.2 It also has a lower cost compared to both beef and pork. In fact, turkey prices are projected to fall throughout 2024,3 but you can still charge a price comparable to similar proteins across your menus, meaning turning to turkey can help put more profit in your pocket. 

Trend the Turkey Way

Turkey entrees don’t need to be the old reliables: turkey clubs, roast turkey with potatoes, etc. There are loads of global comfort food cuisines that pair perfectly with turkey. Customers will love a creamy, braised Thai turkey curry over coconut jasmine rice packed with pickled vegetables. Or try delicious Yucatán tacos with smoked turkey topped with the spicy, sweet combo of chipotle aioli and mango salsa. Try adding grilled Korean BBQ Turkey Skewers with kimchi fried rice and gochujang mayo to your menu for customers to gobble down! Comfort food is just the beginning; there is so much you can do with turkey to make your menu stand out and be more profitable. 

Discover all the delicious versatility that turkey has to offer. With multiple products to choose from, you have the freedom to unleash culinary creativity through endless flavor profiles and multiple cooking methods–like roasting, braising, grilling, or smoking. 

Content courtesy of Heritage Premium Meats 

1Upper Lakes Food, Restaurants Embrace the Comfort Food Craze, 2024

2GoodFood’s Top 5 Health Benefits of Turkey, 2021

3USDA, Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: May 2023